Wave of Gratitude
A competition used by Mark in his keynote to entice the audience to feel the power of gratitude.
Wave of Gratitude
Cultivating an emotional state of gratitude has many beneficial physiological affects. From decreased stress, to improved immune function, to a strengthening of relationships.
During Mark’s Life Beyond Fear keynote he tells a story about how he learnt to access an emotional state of gratitude and the profound effects it has had on his life.
He then shares a series of techniques audience members can use to do it for themselves.
One of these gratitude practice techniques is the Gratitude Text.
The act of writing and sending a text message of gratitude to someone in your life can shift your nervous system from an anxious sympathetic state into a parasympathetic state which optimises your immune system and ability to recover from stress.
And this text message that you send then makes the person who receives the text feel the gratitude. More often than not that person will send a message of gratitude back, creating a Wave Of Gratitude.
SMS Gratitude
In order to entice audiences to take out their phones and share a gratitude text during the keynote. Mark created “The Wave of Gratitude” competition. Audience members just need to send a text message of gratitude, then email a screen shot of the text message to Mark. Then at the conclusion of the conference Mark will draw the lucky winner out of hat. And with that, your companies very own wave of gratitude will be created.
Prizes include new surfboards, Gopro cameras and sunglasses.
And all entrants will also go in the draw to win a family holiday to Hawaii that Mark will draw at the end of the year.
The Graph.

Gratitude Texts Sent
6,800 SMS
Go Pro
Ray Bans
MF Surfboard
Hawaii Holiday
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